Research data… on research.

Jenna Balegno
5 min readDec 11, 2020

Recently, we used our own A2 Pulse Research product to gauge how marketers are using original research (Research on research… I know, so meta).

Marketers use research in a variety of different ways to enhance performance. But here, we are discussing the production of original research (also known as primary research) that marketers use for generating demand, building thought leadership, and improving brand awareness… among other things.

We wanted to know:

  • What are marketers hoping to achieve with original research?
  • What are the challenges they face when producing it?
  • If they aren’t using it, what is preventing them?

Key Findings

  1. There is a lack of follow-through in utilizing completed research. Across all segments, creating additional assets from the research is listed as a top challenge to the success of producing original research.
  2. The use of original research is heavily skewed according to business type and size. Businesses operating in the B2B channel, as well as enterprise-level companies (500+ employees), are using research more regularly than other businesses.
  3. Original research is a big winner for brand awareness. Across all segments, marketers note that creating brand awareness is what research is best used for. Sales engagement and content creation also top the list depending on the segment.
  4. There is a general lack of understanding of how original research can be used. Those marketers that don’t use research as a part of their marketing strategy report that not knowing enough about original research is their biggest reason why.

Maximizing Content Output

Top challenges of producing original research chart from Ascend2

According to our research, 44% of marketers are having trouble creating a strategy around maximizing the benefits of their original research. Producing additional content from the research beyond the report itself, such as blog posts, infographics, social media posts, even webinars, and podcasts can be an incredibly effective way to give your research longevity.

Having a strategy in place to produce and promote this content can give marketers quite a big bang for the original research investment buck. Ideally, your original research project should fuel content and other campaigns for a year or more.

Research for Every Business

Businesses operating in the B2B channel (39%), as well as enterprise-level companies with 500+ employees (51%), are using research more regularly than other businesses.

Marketers who publish original research regularly chart from Ascend2

Of course, original research seems to lend itself more to B2B marketing campaigns that involve long and deliberate journeys. When research is used more traditionally, such as gated on a landing page for lead generation purposes, this makes sense. But original research has its place in the B2C world as well.

Original Research for B2Cs

How can B2C marketers benefit from original research? One benefit is the internal knowledge and exploration of consumer habits. Another is for content marketing, educating audiences, and building trust.

Furthermore, with the lines blurring more and more between B2B and B2C models, more marketers are developing their strategy based on a B2P (business-to-person) mind-set.

And at the end of the day, the buyer from the business you’re targeting is a decision-maker, a person, a consumer of sorts. All of this to say that there is an argument to be made for original research use for B2C marketing and from our findings, there might be a fantastic opportunity here.

Original Research for SMBs

Similarly, about 60% of small business marketers (50 or fewer employees) report having no plans to publish original research in the future.

The top four reasons why:

  • I don’t know enough about original research (42%)
  • Research doesn’t fit with the business type (33%)
  • No use for research in marketing strategy (33%)
  • Lack of budget (23%)

The fact of the matter is, research can work for SMBs… even those with tight budgets. Conducting your own research is certainly time-consuming with a considerable learning curve, but it is possible. And products like our A2 Pulse exist that provide a custom approach to research at an affordable price point.

Beyond Brand Awareness

60% of marketers report that original research is best used for building brand awareness. This number gets up as high as 70% depending on which segment we are looking at:

Percent of marketers who report original research is best used for brand awareness chart from Ascend2

So we know that marketers across the board have seen success with generating awareness of their brand through the use of original research. But these findings support the above-mentioned insight that marketers are underutilizing their research.

Research for SEO and Backlinks

Generating quality backlinks is a huge missed opportunity for marketers that use original research. Only 16% of marketers (all segments) report using their research to improve SEO and increase backlinks. Media outlets, thought leaders, and the like all trust research, they use data and analysis to back up their own content, and with every reference to your research comes a backlink! We see proof of this each month with our own research.

Research for Your Sales Team

36% of all marketers surveyed report using research for sales engagement. Use data to prove a point in sales emails or use the report as a whole to re-engage stale prospects. The charts, data, and insights included in the original research are incredibly engaging. Especially for audiences who are already familiar with your brand.

A Lack of Know-How

There is a general lack of understanding of how original research can be used. 38% of those marketers that don’t use research as a part of their overall strategy report that not knowing enough about it is a top reason why.

This showcases an incredible opportunity. Possessing the understanding of why original research is so effective can help businesses gain a serious competitive advantage by utilizing it to the maximum degree.

About the research

Ascend2 conducted an A2 Pulse survey of 136 marketing professionals during the week of July 27, 2020.

Primary Marketing/Sales Channel

  • B2B: 27%
  • B2C: 49%
  • B2B & B2C equally: 25%

Number of Employees

  • More than 500: 28%
  • 50 to 500: 19%
  • Fewer than 50: 54%

If you have any questions about a specific segment of this survey, feel free to message me!

For a more developed version of this article, complete with insights directly from marketers who have used original research to generate demand themselves, head to the A2 blog.



Jenna Balegno

Cheese enthusiast, digital designer, motherhood fumbler, crime junkie, podcast dependent. COO at Ascend2, conceptualizing & executing B2B research & demand gen.